Imagining the Impossible Guest Blog Guidelines
Please send blog proposals to blog editors Cecilie
We welcome themes and narratives of all sorts within the fantastic, especially contemporary approaches and developments. The blog presents research about the fantastic in media entertainment – film, television, computer games, comics, theme parks, and more. The aim is to take research beyond academia and also to create a dialogue among scholars globally and reach the creative industries, fans, and everyone interested in the fantastic from different fields across the world. The blog welcomes writers from academia as well as creative producers in media industries (authors, directors, designers, and more). We use a broad definition of the fantastic as a supergenre that includes all fantastic genres such as fantasy, horror, science fiction, fairy tales, superheroes, and more.
Entries may deal with the fantastic in three broadly defined ways:
The entry can present a case, for example using a single text, a genre, or a specific historical or national development.
The entry can make a theoretical argument, for example present new theories or reassess existing theories. We encourage this kind of entry also use text cases to illustrate its point, as this makes a post more accessible.
The entry can present an occasion of the fantastic, for example a conference, a festival, an anniversary, or something else. This may be local to the writer’s geographical location or international.
Format of submission: 1000–1500 words in doc./docx and a biographical information (max 150 words). We welcome a photo of the contributor and illustrations that fits the theme for use in the post. Please avoid notes or keep these to a minimum. Give the literature in a bibliography after the blog text. For text format please see the latest blog entry.
Editorial process: The blog editors will edit the submission with the main purpose being to enhance its readability and accessibility. Before publication, the edited blog text will be returned to the author for approval and possible final changes.
Audience: Our audience for the blog is the international and interdisciplinary community of the fantastic in academia, in creative industries, in fan networks, and more. We welcome stakeholders and collaborators from different professional and societal areas. We also hope the blog can be used in different pedagogical contexts and make the research in the fantastic as an overall subject more approachable to a broad readership.
Reach: The texts will be published on the Imagining the Impossible blog and shared on our social media channels, Facebook and Instagram, as well as on the social media channels of affiliated organizations.